
virginity of a pen

what's the definition of the virginity of the pen, not using it for a long time or saying that means that it 's not actually used?
the claim that it's used when it's totally not touched,the pen never raped a paper nor did she to him ,that voice that tells you to think of politics, views, opinions, studies, personalities, situations, styles ,thought ,experiences ,work ,career, hard work love, family ,burns ,memories, and tons of endless stories that the voice reminds you of daily.
Then comes the critical moment when you decide to introduce the paper to the hardness of the pens scars ,but you hang your hand in the air , as if the pen and the paper are suffering some kind of repulsion force between them which gets stronger the more your thoughts increase , you want to express,
as some pens express to impress ,
some pens express to enjoy ,
but this pen here don't know how to impress or enjoy or even admit that the words out are his own gain , he is afraid of admission , afraid of changing what people think about him , but he has to disobey the law and obey his lust for some time

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